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TING provides consulting and product integration services, to assist its clients in complying with governmental regulations to achieve environmental preservation initiatives. The company has designed "total solutions" for Waste Water and Water Treatment Plants, Sewage and Effluent Treatment Plants, Soil and Ground Remedial Systems, Recycling Equipment, just to name a few.
Oil Skimmers: The next generation automatic skimming System for continuous removal of floating mineral oils, grease, sludge, animal and vegetable oil. These skimmers are employed from in-plant sumps, tanks, coolant systems and oil/water settling basins to outdoor cooling and settling ponds, API separators...and hundreds of other applications.
Sorbent Products and Accessories: Meltblown propylene sorbents to absorb and contain spills and leak in both environmental and industrial applications. Applications vary from highly absorptive products for routine maintenance in plant, on water, or land to exotic sorbent needs for the prevention of the entire coastline from oil spills.
Oil Recycling and Coolant Reclamation: Restores contaminated oil to like new, maximizing savings and minimizing disposal. Removes particulate, gases and water in lubricating oils; hydraulic oils; quench oils; cutting and cooling oils; transmission fluid; turbine; vacuum pump and compressor oils; electrical insulating oils, etc.
Waste Water Evaporators: Continuously working evaporation unit with heat recovery designed for removal of heavy metals, chemicals, emulsified oils, cutting fluids, coolants and other organic and inorganic substances from water.

Helping you to create your outdoor world

Ting Corporation

656 C North Wellwood Avenue Suite 237
New York 11757

P: 631.581.5405
F: 631.581.5406